Radio Plays listed by Year

by WRITER.... by TOPIC........ by PRODUCER....

These lists were started by Bob Thirsk in 2003; Professor Sheila Wigmore and Barry Hodge also provided valuable help. More years are being tackled by Stephen Shaw.

1970.... 1977.... 1978.... 1979.... 1980.... 1981.... 1982.... 1983.... 1984.... 1985.... 1986.... 1987.... 1988.... 1989.... 1990.... 1991.... 1992.... 1993.... 1994.... 1995.... 1996.... 1997.... 1998.... 1999.... 2000.... 2001.... 2002.... 2003.... 2004.... 2005.... 2006.... 2007.... 2008.... 2009.... 2010.... 2011.... 2012.... 2013.... 2014.... 2015.... 2016.... 2017.... 2018.... 2019.... 2020.... 2021.... 2022.... 2023.... 2024.... 2025....

Recordings of the plays listed below are known to exist in VRPCC collections.

2025.... 2024.... 2023.... 2022.... 2021.... 2020.... 2019.... 2018.... 2017.... 2016.... 2015.... 2014.... 2013.... 2012.... 2011.... 2010.... 2009.... 2008.... 2007.... 2006.... 2005.... 2004.... 2003.... 2002.... 2001.... 2000.... 1999.... 1998.... 1997.... 1996.... 1995.... 1994.... 1993.... 1992.... 1991.... 1990.... 1989.... 1988.... 1987.... 1986.... 1985.... 1984.... 1983.... 1982.... 1981.... 1980.... 1979.... 1978.... 1977.... 1976.... 1975.... 1974.... 1973.... 1972.... 1971.... 1970.... 1969.... 1968.... 1967.... 1966.... 1965.... 1964.... 1963.... 1962.... 1961.... 1960.... 1959.... 1958.... 1957.... 1956.... 1955.... 1954.... 1952.... 1950.... 1946.... 1945.... 1942.... 1940.... other....

Radio 3 Plays
Jim's R3 List 1946-2008 (about 500 plays)..... 2009-2012..... The Wire, 2000-2014
BBC R3 Drama....
1946.... 1947.... 1948.... 1949.... 1950.... 1951.... 1952.... 1953.... 1954.... 1955.... 1956.... 1957.... 1958.... 1959.... 1960.... 1961.... 1962.... 1974.... 1975.... 1976.... 1977.... 1978.... 1979.... 1980.... 1981.... 1982.... 1983.... 1984.... 1985.... 1986.... 1987.... 1988.... 1989.... 1990.... 1991.... 1992.... 1993.... 1994.... 1995.... 1996.... 1997.... 1998.... 1999.... 2000.... 2001.... 2002.... 2003.... 2004.... 2005.... 2006.... 2007.... 2008.... 2009.... 2010.... 2011.... 2012.... 2013.... 2014.... 2015.... 2016.... 2017.... 2018.... 2019.... 2020.... 2021.... 2022.... 2023.... 2024....

Light Programme
The Light Programme broadcast more popular drama; it eventually changed into Radio 2 and its drama moved across to Radio 4. Stephen Shaw has supplied the first listings:
1950.... 1951.... 1952.... 1953.... 1954.... 1955.... 1956.... 1957.... 1958.... 1959....

World Service Drama
The World Service Drama listings are being compiled by Barry Hodge.
intro .... 1980-1989 .... 1990-1999 .... 2000-2011 ....

This is not a database, but you can go back to Google and find any play listed here by typing suttonelms followed by the title of the play, or the author.

For example, to list plays by John Smith, type suttonelms "John Smith" into the search box.

The word "suttonelms" keeps the search specific to this site. Some pages are at an early stage, but I'll add to them as time allows. It is likely to take many years.

Nigel Deacon / Diversity website

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