Here are some pictures illustrating some of the field work we did in May and June 2007.
Click on the small pictures to see the detail.

Some of the elders I interviewed

Interviews and photographs

A friendly group; self on far left of picture

Medicinal herbs are valuable; many modern drugs are based on them ...
Medicinal herbs - another picture

Thatched structure is "ekiage rinyoro" for storing food harvests.

Secondary school pupils at one of our workshops.

Manga Cliff, Emaanga
Field work - a very important part of our project.
Obokano traditional 8-string musical instrument.
Ekebu, Nyaribari
"Ekebu" is a suction device. Long before the coming of modern medicine
to the land of Abagusii, they had learned the art of literally "sucking out"
blood near an injury or clot, by making an incision around or into the affected
part, then using a specially designed animal horn (ekebu) with a soft diaphragm
or membrane. Blood clots caused by a bruise or similar injury could be sucked
out in this way.
Ekebu when full will hold about a quarter of a litre. Depending on the severity of the
wound, more than one treatment might be necessary. A mixture of herbs would eventually be
applied to the affected area to ward off bacteria and to accelerate healing.
This treatment is still used to some extent, especially among the elderly. We hope to
capture a live operation one day for documentation and archiving.

Some of our helpers and advisers
Woman healer, Nyaribari

Workshop, 21 May 07
More pictures will follow when I have time to put them on-line.
copyright Kennedy Momanyi Bosire / Diversity website
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