How to grow potatoes in a no-dig bed

A convenient way to grow potatoes is the no-dig method. You need a bed about 4 ft. wide and as long as you wish. The method is extremely simple. Cover the ground with compost to a depth of 9 to 12 inches. Get it level. Plant your potatoes in it - say 18 inches apart, and as low as you can, but not digging into the soil. Cover with a black porous sheet, (ask at the garden centre) and fasten this down securely. We used to use polythene; it worked OK but didn't quite let through enough water.

When the potatoes start to come through, and begin to lift the sheet, slit it carefully to let out the shoots. Leave the sheet in position for the whole season.

That's it.....and this method is a wonderful way of getting a bed full of humus for a different crop in the following year. There is no slug damage, and the crop, if a little smaller than from a conventionally-grown bed, is much cleaner.

no-dig potato bed, potatoes sown, before shoots have emerged. 9 may 2010...... no-dig potato bed, potatoes sown, after shoots have emerged. 31 may 2010......

no-dig potato bed, potatoes sown, after shoots have emerged. 31 jun 2010..

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