Extract from HOGG:
Fruit, below medium size, two inches and an
eighth wide, and two inches and a half high ; conical, uneven in its
outline, narrowing from the middle both towards the stalk and the
crown, and obscurely ribbed on the sides ;
it has a waist near the
crown. Skin, quite smooth, pale straw colour, and sometimes with a
faint tinge of blush next the sun. Eye, closed, with erect segments
set on the surface of the narrow apex in a plaited, slight depression.
Stamens, marginal ; tube, funnel-shaped, deep, and very narrow. Stalk,
small and short, set in a narrow and very shallow cavity. Flesh, white,
tender, juicy, and brisk, without much or any flavour. Cells, open,
An early cooking apple, of pretty appearance ; ripe in the middle of
August. It is common in the districts round Derby, where it is grown
under the name of Leicester-Burton Pippin.
Note from M.W./N.D: We are looking for scions of this apple.
UPDATE, Sept. 2009
We have found it, at a location in Derby; we have grafted some trees. Here are two pictures of the fruit:
May 2013:
A first blossom picture; for a green apple, it produces an unusually colourful flower.
Nov 2014:
First fruit:

Nov 2015:
More fruit:

This featured in one of our apple tastings (see link below). Hogg writes it off as an early cooker with little if any flavour. We have found that it is a good dessert apple, mid-season, of beautiful appearance and mild refreshing flavour, with a hint of vanilla and parma violets.
Apple tasting 2
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