Piano Collection: 2019c

Handel, Rosemary Brown, Zipoli, Scarlatti

Numbers in brackets denote track numbers. Running time about 60 minutes.

G.F.Handel (1-14): (1-4): Suite 15, (5-7): Suite 11, (8-11): Suite 13, (12-14): Suite 12
Rosemary Brown (15-16): (15): Nocturne in style of Chopin, (16): Waltz in style of Brahms, adapted by ND
G.F.Handel (17-18): Prelude in G & Chaconne in F
D. Zipoli (19): Variations
Domenico Scarlatti (20-23): Sonatas L294, 300, 316, 336 (fugue)

Minor edits have been done where necessary. Some sections of the Scarlatti have been re-written to make them more pianistic.

Played and recorded by Nigel Deacon, Nov 2019 – Feb 2020. The music is from the baroque era and was written principally for harpsichord. It can be heard at cd19c on Youtube.

Sutton Elms Publications, Midlands, UK. Copyright.

http://www.suttonelms.org.uk; email:diversity@suttonelms.org.uk

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