Numbers in brackets denote track numbers. Running time about 60 minutes.
John Loeillet (1-6): Suite no. 3
G.F.Handel (7-9): : Suite 9, 3 movements
Johann Pachelbel (10-14): Suite no. 12
G.F.Handel (15-19): Suite 10
Sebastian Albero (20-23): Sonatas 19-22
G.F.Handel (24-31): Suite 14
Domenico Scarlatti (32-36):
Sonatas L274, 277, 279, 281, 284
Minor edits have been done where necessary.
Some sections of the Scarlatti have been re-written
to make them more pianistic.
Played and recorded by ND, Apr-Jun 2019.
The music is from the baroque era and was written
principally for harpsichord.
The music can be heard on cd19a on Youtube.
Sutton Elms Publications, Midlands, UK. Copyright.;
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