Piano Collection: 2019a

Loeillet, Handel, Pachelbel, Albero, Scarlatti

Numbers in brackets denote track numbers. Running time about 60 minutes.

John Loeillet (1-6): Suite no. 3
G.F.Handel (7-9): : Suite 9, 3 movements
Johann Pachelbel (10-14): Suite no. 12
G.F.Handel (15-19): Suite 10
Sebastian Albero (20-23): Sonatas 19-22
G.F.Handel (24-31): Suite 14
Domenico Scarlatti (32-36): Sonatas L274, 277, 279, 281, 284

Minor edits have been done where necessary. Some sections of the Scarlatti have been re-written to make them more pianistic.

Played and recorded by ND, Apr-Jun 2019.
The music is from the baroque era and was written
principally for harpsichord.

The music can be heard on cd19a on Youtube.

Sutton Elms Publications, Midlands, UK. Copyright.

http://www.suttonelms.org.uk; email:diversity@suttonelms.org.uk

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