Numbers in brackets denote track numbers. Running time about 60 minutes.
Domenico Scarlatti (1-4): Sonatas L265, 266, 268, 321
Bernardo Pasquini (5-8): : Suites 19, 23, 28, followed by five arias
Sebastian Albero (9-13): Sonatas 13, 14, 16, 17, 18
Dietrich Buxtehude (14-16): Suite 1
Domenico Scarlatti (17-21): Sonatas
L322, 323, 325, 326, 328
G.F.Handel (22-25): Suite 16
Minor edits have been done where necessary.
Scarlatti L325 has been re-written to make it
more pianistic.
All of this music is from the baroque era.
Played and recorded by Nigel Deacon, Jan-Mar 2019.
Sutton Elms Publications, Midlands, UK. Copyright.
http://www.suttonelms.org.uk; email:diversity@suttonelms.org.uk
The music can be heard on the cd19 link on Youtube.
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