No information yet apart from some growing observations: the haulms are small, plants quite
vigorous, but susceptible to blight. No flowers seen when grown in pots; some dropped at bud stage;
some didn't even show buds. I think this must be a French salad variety.
Tuber pictures should appear later in the season
Update: Almost indistinguishable from EDZELL BLUE in appearance but seems less inclined to flower.
Behaved like a second early. The skins are blue-purple; shape the same as Edzell Blue but not quite so floury on cooking, after which time
the colour of the skins has disappeared. It is a little more resistant to blight than the Scottish potato.
Flavour is good but does not really rival either Edzell Blue or Odenwald Blaue. In containers I saw no flowers.
Yield about 1.5 lbs in a 3 gallon container. The haulms are quite tall and slender; around 2ft, and not
inclined to collapse. Blight resistance about 4-5.
Cooking Quality
Almost the equal of Edzell Blue, and it keeps well. Floury, good-flavoured potato. Best steamed.
Pictures (click on small images for detail):
Nigel Deacon / Diversity website
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