
Awards for radio plays broadcast between Oct 2022 and Oct 2023.
The BBC Audio Drama Awards celebrate the range, originality and cut-through quality of audio drama on air and online and give recognition to the creativity of actors, writers, producers, sound designers and others who work in this genre. Radio Drama has now celebrated its centenary.
The Awards are for:
• Best Original Single Drama
• Best Original Series or Serial
• Best Adaptation
• Best Podcast Audio Drama
• Best Actor
• Best Actress
• Best Supporting Performance
• Marc Beeby Award for Best Debut Performance
• Best Use of Sound
• Best Scripted Comedy (Longform)
• Best Scripted Comedy (Sketch Show)
• Best European Audio Drama
As for this year's Awards ...
The number of invitations was lower than usual because of building works taking place inside the BBC. The visitors were ushered into two rather small rooms separated by a long corridor, which meant that mixing of guests was somewhat restricted. Nevertheless the BBC staff made us feel very welcome.
The Award ceremony took place in the Radio Theatre at the BBC on Sunday 24 March 2024. The audience was led into the Radio Theatre to the accompaniment of jazz group 'The Chris Holland Experience'. Charlotte Moore, the BBC’s Chief Content Officer, introduced the proceedings, commenting that the BBC had championed radio drama for 100 years. She mentioned recent finds donated to the BBC, a collection of plays largely from the 1980s, some of which would soon be broadcast, including a rarity by Harold Pinter.
Charlotte thanked all of the audio practitioners present for the extraordinary work they’d done this year, and then handed over to Meera Syal, MC for the evening, who welcomed the audience to the event, and reminded us that audio drama is special and that the people working in audio know how to create high quality dramas with small resources. She commented on the excellent music provided by the jazz group, for which there was enthusiastic applause. It was great to be back in the Radio Theatre celebrating audio drama, which the BBC has been delivering to us for 100 years.
Meera handled the event with wit and sensitivity; we couldn’t have had a better host.
For the winners, please scroll down to see the lists...
=shortlisted; # = Finalist.
Best Original Single Drama
#Benny & Hitch by Andrew McCaldon, prod. Neil Varley & Tracey Neale, BBC London
Churchill versus Reith by Mike Harris, producer Gary Brown, BBC Audio Drama North
#Dear Harry Kane by James Fritz, producer Sally Avens, BBC Audio Drama London **WINNER**
#Eat and Run by Paolo Chianta, producer Lorna Newman, BBC Audio Drama North
Rare Earth by Richard Monks, producer Nicolas Jackson, Afonica
Voices From the End of the World by Lucy Catherine, producer Sasha Yevtushenko, BBC London
Best Adaptation
The Age of Anxiety by W.H.Auden, ad. Robin Brooks, prod. Fiona McAlpine, Allegra Productions
#Beowulf Retold based on the version by Seamus Heaney, producer Pauline Harris, BBC London
#Bess Loves Porgy by Edwin DuBose Heyward, adapted by Roy Williams, producer Gill Parry, feral inc **WINNER**
The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper, ad. Robert Macfarlane & Simon McBurney, prod. Catherine Bailey, Catherine Bailey Productions and Complicite
#If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino, ad. Tim Crouch & Toby Jones, prod. Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
One Moonlit Night by Caradog Prichard, adapted by Rhiannon Boyle, producer Emma Harding, BBC Cymru Wales
Best Original Series or Serial
The 5000 by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, producer Gaynor Macfarlane, BBC Scotland
An Eye for a Killing by Colin Macdonald, producer Bruce Young, BBC Scotland
#Flirties, written and produced by Jess Simpson, Audiocraft
#There’s Something I Need to Tell You by John Scott Dryden and Misha Kawnel, producer Emma Hearn, Goldhawk Productions
The Tomb by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, producer Joby Waldman, Reduced Listening
#Trust by Jonathan Hall, producer Gary Brown, BBC Audio Drama North **WINNER**
Best Actor
#Hiran Abeysekera, Dear Harry Kane, director Sally Avens, BBC Audio Drama London **WINNER**
Max Irons, The Bronze Horseman, director Susan Roberts, BBC Audio Drama North
Toby Jones, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller, director Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
#Lorn Macdonald, Confessions of a Justified Sinner, director Kirsty Williams, BBC Scotland
#Tim McInerny, Benny & Hitch, director Tracey Neale, BBC Audio Drama London
Tom Walker, Call Jonathan Pie, Alison Vernon-Smith, Yada-Yada Audio
Best Actress
#Gabrielle Brooks, Bess Loves Porgy, director Michael Buffong, feral inc
Dinita Gohil, Victory City, producer Alison Crawford, BBC Bristol
#Maxine Peake, The Women of Troy, director Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
#Rosamund Pike, People Who Knew Me, director Daniella Isaacs, Merman **WINNER**
Lydia Wilson, Happy Birthday, Mr President, director Gaynor Macfarlane, BBC Scotland
Fenella Woolgar, Lines in the Sand: The Journeys of Gertrude Bell, director Jessica Mitic, BBC Audio Drama North
Best Supporting Performance
#Sacha Dhawan, Anna Karenina, director Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
Erin Doherty, The Seagull, director Toby Swift, BBC Audio Drama London
#Mark Heap, Kafka’s Dick, director Dermot Daly, Naked Productions **WINNER**
Sophia Del Pizzo, There’s Something I Need to Tell You, director John Scott Dryden, Goldhawk Productions
The Marc Beeby Award for Best Debut Performance
Izzy Campbell, Of a Night, director Jessica Mitic, BBC Audio Drama North
Rosie Ekenna, Faith, Hope and Glory, director Anastasia Osei-Kuffour, BBC Audio Drama London
#Rosalind Eleazar, Hindsight, director Gaynor Macfarlane, BBC Scotland **WINNER**
#Jadie Rose Hobson, Exposure, director Anne Isger, BBC Audio Drama London
#Dan Parr, The Test Batter Can’t Breathe, director Tracey Neale, BBC Audio Drama London
Olivia Triste, Rise, director Dermot Daly, Naked Productions
Best Sit Com or Comedy Drama
#Call Jonathan Pie by Tom Walker, producer Alison Vernon-Smith, Yada-Yada Audio
Kat Sadler’s Screen Time by Kat Sadler and Cameron Loxdale, producer Gwyn Rhys Davies, BBC
Michael Spicer: Before Next Door by Michael Spicer, producer Matt Tiller, Starstruck Media
Mockery Manor by Lindsay Sharman, producer Laurence Owen, Long Cat Media
#She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith, ad. Barunka O’Shaughnessy, prod. Emma Harding, BBC Wales
#Where to, Mate? devised by Jo Enright, Peter Slater, Abdullah Afzal, Nina Gilligan, Andy Salthouse, Keith Carter, Jason Wingard, producer Carl Cooper, BBC Studios Audio **WINNER**
Best Stand Up Comedy
Daliso Chaponda: Citizen of Nowhere by Daliso Chaponda, additional material Meryl O’Rourke, producer Carl Cooper, BBC Studios Audio
#Janey Godley: The C Bomb by Janey Godley, prod. Julia Sutherland & Richard Melvin, Dabster Productions
Maisie Adam: The Beautiful Game by Maisie Adam, producer Georgia Keating, BBC Studios Audio
#Olga Koch: OK Computer by Olga Koch and Charlie Dinkin, producer Benjamin Sutton, BBC
Rob Newman on Air by Rob Newman, producer Eloise Whitmore, Naked Productions
#Sarah Keyworth: Are You a Boy or a Girl by by Sarah Keyworth, additional material Ruby Clyde, producer James Robinson, BBC Studios Audio **WINNER**
Best Use of Sound
The Adventurers, sound by Alisdair McGregor, producer Boz Temple-Morris, Holy Mountain
#The Dark is Rising, sound by Gareth Fry, prod. Catherine Bailey, Catherine Bailey Productions & Complicité
#Hamlet Noir, sound by David Chilton, Lucinda Mason Brown, Weronika Andersen, producers Charlotte Melén, Carl Prekopp and Saskia Black, Almost Tangible **WINNER**
Slow Air, sound by Alisdair McGregor and Eloise Whitmore, producer Polly Thomas, Naked Productions
Voices From the End of the World, sound by Peter Ringrose, producer Sasha Yevtushenko, BBC Audio Drama London
#The Women of Troy, sound by Sharon Hughes, producer Nadia Molinari, BBC Audio Drama North
Best Podcast Audio Drama
#Badger and the Blitz by Richard Turley and Darren Francis, producer Richard Turley, Roxo Ltd **WINNER**
Below by Aaron Gray and Paul Skillen, producer John Wakefield, HTM Television
Flirties, written and produced by Jess Simpson, Audiocraft
The Haunter of the Dark – The Lovecraft Investigations by Julian Simpson, producer Sarah Tombling, Sweet Talk Productions
#The Salvation by Justin Lockey, Jeffrey Aidoo, and AK Benedict, producers John Hamm and Boz Temple-Morris, Holy Mountain and Free Turn
#Tagged by Brett Neichin and John Scott Dryden, producer Emma Hearn, Sony Music Entertainment and Goldhawk Productions
Best European Drama
Evicted by Karel Klostermann, adapted by Tomáš Loužný, producer Renata Venclová, CZR Czech Radio
#Faust (I Never Read It) by Noam Brusilovsky, producer Andrea Oetzmann, SWR Südwestrundfunk with Deutschlandfunk
Irina’s Soul Is Like a Precious Piano by Rona Žulj, producer Katja Šimunic, Croatian Radiotelevision
The Sick Bag Song by Nick Cave, adapted by Kai Grehn, producer Lina Kokaly, Radio Bremen
#The Supervisor by Nis-Momme Stockmann, producer Michael Becker, NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk
#This Word by Marta Rebzda, producer Waldemar Modestowicz, Polish Radio Theatre **WINNER**
Benny and Hitch by Andrew McCaldon, producers Neil Varley and Tracey Neale, BBC Audio Drama London **WINNER**
In Moderation by Katie Bonna, producer Sally Avens, BBC Audio Drama London
Happy Hour by Liv Fowler, producer Jelena Budimir, Naked Productions.
Cracking by Shôn Dale-Jones, producer John Norton, BBC Cymru Wales. **WINNER**
About a Dog by Huw Brentnall, producer Fiona McAlpine, Allegra Productions.
Ghosted by Lindsay Sharman, directed by the author for Long Cat Media.
Scooters, Shooters and Shottas by John R Gordon, director Rikki Beadle-Blair, Urban Wolf for Team Angelica/The Art Machine.
The Outstanding Contribution to Audio Drama was awarded to the late Oliver Emanuel, and a moving tribute was offered by his friend and colleague, Dan Rebellato. Oliver was a writer who created some of the best radio dramas of the past 20 years. He worked in other media, including theatre, but for Dan, his best body of work was for radio. Olly knew that great radio writing must be honest and that it must be open. Dan singled out a few of his plays for special mention: The History of Paper; Truth about Hawaii, A Close Approximation of You; When the Pips Stop. This last play was about radio 4 going off the air – the worst possible catastrophe of all!
Oliver also worked on the adaptations of the Zola novels starring that wonderful actress, Glenda Jackson. He’d reduced L’Assommoir, a thick, hefty novel of 150,000 words to a 45-minute drama; what an achievement … and the day Glenda Jackson died, Dan received a message from Oliver saying simply “we were so lucky…”.
And in a final comment on Oliver’s life and work, Dan added “what a loss to us, and what a gift…”.
Dan presented the Award to Nicky Beasley, Oliver’s partner. She said that Olly regarded radio as being the most visual medium of all; he loved not just being the writer but being part of the production team. He especially enjoyed interacting with individuals who had heard his plays.
This was presented by Charlotte Moore, to the well-known radio personality, originator of ideas and writer Graeme Garden, for his amazing contribution to radio comedy.
Charlotte gave a brief summary of his radio career. He started in 1965 with 'I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again'; then did some TV with Terry Jones and Michael Palin. In 1970 he contributed some goofy silliness to The Goodies, one of the best-known comedy series ever. In 1972 he suggested the idea of 'I'm Sorry, I haven't a Clue', a new irreverent and joyfully silly type of comedy, and that show has now been on the air for over fifty years! He has worked on other more recent shows, including Giles Wembbley Hogg, and The Unbelievable Truth, which is now in its thirtieth series.
Graeme replied by giving a brief biographical history. He said that he had always loved radio, which was his entertainment when a boy. He loved Charles Chilton's Journey Into Space, Riders of the Range, and Dick Barton. He liked Jewel and Warriss, Life With the Lyons, Take it from here, and of course The Goons - who showed how sound could create impossible places and events.
"The first time I stood on a stage at ISIRTA, my dream had come true ... Thank you to all those whom I have worked with, and the audiences who have been kind enough to laugh ...and the BBC, especially Radio 4. Thank you for the dream".
He exited the stage with much applause, and a collection of clips from his performances was played to the audience and enjoyed by all.
The BBC Audio Drama Awards cover audio dramas first broadcast in English in the UK between 1 October 2021 and 31 October 2022 or first uploaded/published/released for free listening online in the UK during the same period. Productions may be entered from anywhere in the world subject to these criteria. In addition, the Best European Audio Drama welcomes dramas in other languages than English.
Entries were welcome from all makers of audio drama, and were not restricted to BBC broadcasts. Each programme producer could enter up to four categories (one entry only per category). The audio drama had to be submitted exactly as broadcast or uploaded. There was no entry fee.
The Imison Award is administered by the Society of Authors and the Tinniswood Award by the Society Of Authors and the Writers’ Guild.
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