Piano recital:

Georg Muffat, Thomas Roseingrave, Thomas Arnold Johnson, Herbert Oppenheimer, Sebastian Albero

Numbers denote track numbers; running time about 50 minutes.

1-6 T.A.Johnson: Greyfriars Suite: Greyfriars, Quelchy with Ashplant, Bob Cherry, W. G. Bunter, Alonzo Todd – dreamer and poet, Harry Wharton
Unpublished suite written in 1947 for Charles Hamilton , aka Frank Richards.

7-12 Gottlieb Muffat: Suite

13-14 Herbert Oppenheimer : Mazurka no. 1 and Scherzo no. 1
Herbert Oppenheimer was the founder of a well-known legal firm, and a famous rose-grower. He was also a composer and pianist. These pieces were found in manuscript in a bookshop in Newent, Glos, UK in 1989.

15 Thomas Roseingrave: Fugue in Gm, arranged for piano by ND.

16-17 Herbert Oppenheimer:Valse 1 / Valse 2

18-24 Sebastian Albero: Seven Sonatas (numbers 6-12)

Played and recorded by Nigel Deacon, August - Oct 2012
Sutton Elms Publications, Midlands, UK. Copyright.

CDs available. Email diversity (at) suttonelms.org.uk

The music can be heard on Youtube at cd12

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