An Afterlife....1995
R4, May 1995...social story with supernatural overtones. With
Kate Buffery as Anna, Siriol Jenkins as Sarah, Peter Yapp as Tom. Also
stars Christopher Scott, Jill Graham, Natasha Pyne, George Parsons.
Directed by Cherry Cookson.
John Donne....2002
R4, 19 Sep 02. This wasn't the title of the play, but it should have
been. It told of the early life of John Donne, and his love
for a remarkable woman. Afternoon play, 45m. (Incidentally,
the play was called "Aire & Angels".....I don't like to
criticise BBC policy, but in a biographical play, what is
the point of a title which doesn't mention the name of the
person it's about?)
Radio Times.......Donne's earliest works were inspired
by his longing for the young niece of his employer. This secret
romance was to suffer many separations and setbacks. With Samuel
West as Donne, Alison Pettitt as Ann, also starring John Rowe,
Michael Cochrane, David Thorpe, Tom George, Jane Whittenshaw. Directed
by Cherry Cookson.
Out of the Ashes....2003
R4, 3 Dec 03, 45m. Paul is a troubled 15-year old and Dan is a 55 year old fireman on
the brink of retirement. Their paths cross when Paul is sent on a fire-
fighting scheme for adolescent arsonists. With Danny Young as Paul, Kenneth
Cranham as Dan; also stars Suzanna Hamilton, Daniel Anthony, Nick Roud, Harl
Sajjan, Rachel Atkins, Lydia Leonard, Billy Sargent; directed by
Pauline Harris.
Nigel Deacon / Diversity Website
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